molecule often produced by a microorganism to kill other microorganisms that might compete for the same food source? It usually works by dissipating essential electrochemical gradients in the competing organism.

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Bacteriocin is a ribosomally synthesized compounds produced by bacteria that are active against closely related bacteria

  • Bacteriocin consists of 20-60 amino acids
  • Most bacteriocin target cell membranes while some inhibit the biosynthesis of biopolymers
  • Bacteriocin dissipate the proton motive force by disrupting the pH gradient of disruptive cells,they do so by forming pores in the target cells
  • Pore formation ultimately results in the leakage of inorganic phosphates and an ionic imbalance;The initial disturbance causes dissipation of the proton motive force which encompasses a complete or partial dissipation of either or both the electrochemical gradient and the transmembrane potential