Mayan, a vegan, finds that he suffers from a protein deficiency since his dietary intake lacks certain amino acids. His doctor advised him to include corn and beans regularly in his diet. In this scenario, Mayans doctor is ensuring that Mayan consumes sufficient quantities of all amino acids by _____.

Respuesta :

Answer: Protein complementation

Explanation:Protein complementation is the combination of two or more protein to help get all the required amino acids into the body.

It is done efficiently by combining two or more proteins usually legumes and grains because some proteins are incomplete protein sources that needs to be combined together to form a complete protein. Protein Combining is very much applicable to vegetarians to provide adequate amounts of all the essential amino since thier diet may not be able to provide sufficient amount of some essential amino acids,


Natural Means


If Mayan was severely deficient of all the essential amino acids that are necessary for him then they may gave him a all amino acids proteins supplementation but they forward him to healthy foods. That's all because of his deficiency of some amino acids not all and doctors want to treat him by way of natural and healthy means. Moreover, amino acids supplements also have their own side effects. Adding foods like meat, eggs and poultry in the diet of Mayan is a healthy way to tackle his protein deficiency.