Inferential statistics a. involve measuring characteristics that are important to a problem and bringing them together in summary form. b. are useful primarily because they permit the reduction of large masses of data to essentials. c. involve drawing conclusions from evidence contained in the data. d. employ quantitative expressions to describe characteristics of a sample of an underlying population.

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Step-by-step explanation:

Inferential Statistics is one of two statistical methods that is used to analyze data by drawing conclusion about a bigger population from a sample. In other words, inferential statistics  allows a researcher to make assumptions and arrive at conclusions about a larger group known as the population, by using just a small portion  known as the sample of the population as a study. The study of this small portion is then used to explain the behaviour of the entire population. Random sampling is carried out to ensure that the sample is a true representation of the population

It involves:

  • A definition of the population to be studied.
  • Drawing a sample out of this population.
  • Analysis of data.