Chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte algae contain three sets of genetic material: the nuclear genome, the chloroplast genome, and a set of genes found in the nucleomorph. What, in terms of the endosymbiotic hypothesis, is represented by the nucleomorph genes?

Respuesta :

Endosymbiotic Hypothesis


  • The hypothesized process by which prokaryotes produced ascend to the primary eukaryotic cells is known as endosymbiosis
  • The Positively positions among the most significant developmental occasions
  • Endosymbiotic hypothesis, that attempt to clarify the beginnings of eukaryotic cell organelles, for example, mitochondria in animals and parasites and chloroplasts in plants
  • The endosymbiotic theory are The Mitochondria and chloroplasts have a single roundabout chromosome
  • Mitochondria and chloroplasts separate by mitosis
  • Mitochondria and chloroplasts have 70S ribosomes

Endosymbiotic hypothesis


Remnant genes from the nucleus of a eukaryotic algal endosymbiont

  • The endosymbiotic hypothesis explains the origin of mitochondria and plastids through the engulfment of bacteria into eukaryotic cells
  • Nucleomorphs are the smallest nuclear genomes which are remnant nuclei of algal endosymbionts that were engulfed by non photosynthetic host eukaryotes
  • These organelles are found in Chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte algae,where they evolved from green and red algal endosymbionts respectively
  • Nucleomorph of Chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte algae cells has been greatly reduced through the combined effects of gene loss and intracellular gene transfer
Universidad de Mexico