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Answers with Explanations:
1. What were two major differences between the Democrats and the National Republicans in 1828?
The two major differences between the Democrats and the National Republicans are the following:
2. What changes taking place in the country contributed to Jackson victory?
The changes which took place in the country and contributed to Jackson's victory was the broadened role of the citizens in the government and the ending of the elites who monopolize the society. Andrew Jackson focused on "equal political policy." The voting rights were also extended to the white males who were above the age of 21.
3. What campaign practices of 1828 election are still used today?
There are many campaign practices of 1828 that are still being used today such as "political slogans" and "political mudslinging."
Slogans are striking or memorable phrases that can be used when running for a position during an election. These are prime instruments in communicating with the people. On the other hand, mudslinging refers to a negative campaign or hateful comments about somebody else who is running for the same position (the opposition). This is still considered an effective weapon until this day.
4. How would Northeastern factory owners react to a high tariff?
The Northeastern factory owners reacted positively to a high tariff because it was meant to protect them and their industries. However, the Southerners thought it was bad for them. This is the reason why it was called "Tariff of Abominations."