What is the maximum number of unique polypeptides that can theoretically be produced from any segment of double-stranded DNA given that genes can exist on either the top or bottom strand and translation might start at any position

Respuesta :

Double-Stranded DNA


  • Double-stranded DNA comprises of two polynucleotide chains whose nitrogenous bases are connected by hydrogen bonds
  • Inside this arrangement plan, each strand mirrors the different because of the  anti-parallel orientation  of the sugar-phosphate spines, just as the reciprocal of the A-T and C-G base pairing
  • The two strands of DNA are held together by means of hydrogen bonds, which permit the grouping to be “unzipped” for replication or transcription
  • The 5-carbon sugars ribose and deoxyribose are important components of nucleotide, and are found in RNA and DNA