Respuesta :


So just touching people and on them


You can also affect people on a plane. You also got social media which makes everything 10 times worse


Pandemics spread through the transmission of the contagion.


There are several ways for a pandemic to infect a population, but here are most of the main points:

1. Anytime there is any kind of virus/disease/bacteria that has a high infection rate (10% or more), there tends to be a panic reaction in the effected populous. This can worsen the economic and/or social situation of said population.

2. The effect differs depending on the death ratio of the contagion. If it is more deadly, there tends to be a more widespread panic. If it is less deadly, there tends to be less worry.

3. With any pathogen, there will be an effort to try and cure/contain it. How big is that effort? This can tell you how much of a worry it is to governments, and therefore how much of a worry it should be to you as an idividual.

There you go, there are some of the main points of pandemics. Keep in mind that something like the coronavirus is only considered a pandemic because of its spread rate, not its kill rate. It is a relatively non-deadly thing to catch, unless you have underlying conditions (asthma, cystic fibrosis, are immunocompromised, or are elderly). This is literally less deadly than the flu.

Wash your hands!
