Directions: Before reading, in the first column, write “A” or “D,” indicating your agreement or disagreement with each statement. As you read, compare your opinions with information from the article. In the space under each statement, cite information from the article that supports or refutes your original ideas.

1. Energy can be transferred from a colder to a hotter body.

2. At a given temperature, all of the particles in a liquid have the same kinetic energy.

3. In a sample of ice in a soft drink, the water molecules in both the ice and soft drink have the same
kind of kinetic energy.

4. Energy transfer is called heat.

5. At thermal equilibrium, the number of molecular collisions resulting in energy gain is the same as
the number of molecular collisions resulting in energy loss.

6. When water evaporates from your finger, the water molecules with a lower average kinetic energy
are left behind, so your finger feels cooler.

7. The intermolecular forces between molecules of oil are less than the intermolecular forces
between molecules of water.

8. Cold is an adjective used to describe a lack of heat.

Directions: As you read the article, use your own words to describe or draw the molecular motion for each process listed in the chart.
Vibrational kinetic energy

Translational kinetic energy

Rotational kinetic energy

Energy Transfer

Thermal Equilibrium


Intermolecular Forces of Attraction

After reading the article, answer these questions.
1) What happens when an ice cube is added to a soft drink?

2) What is the rule about how energy is transferred between two objects that are in contact?

3) (T-F / Explain) All particles of a substance have the same kinetic energy.

4) What is the definition of temperature?

5) Name the three kinds of motion that a particle can have.

6) Describe the results of collisions between faster-moving particles and slower-moving particles.

7) What term is applied to the situation in which energy has been transferred from faster particles to slower ones and as a
result the particles end up traveling at the same speed?

8) Explain why evaporation of a liquid from our skin makes us feel cooler.