Use the following assumptions for problems 1 and 2:
1. Brick are 7 12" long x 2 VA"tall, mortar joints are 3/8" thick.
2. Standard concrete block is 75/8" X 15 5/8".
3. One bag masonry cement per 125 brick or 45 block.
4. Five percent for waste.
5. Assume a bearing of 4" on each end of the steel lintel.
6. The wall is 120' long, 8' tall with 2 - 3X3' windows and 1-3' x 7' door.
7. The coefficient of thermal expansion of brick: 0.0000036 in/in/°F.
8. The temperature swing is 120°F. 9. Maximum vertical expansion joint width 12" with a sealant movement capacity of 25%. (Each joint can only move 1/8" which is 12" x 25 = 1/8")
a. Calculate the number of brick in the wall.
b. Number of bags of mortar.
c. Number of courses of brick.
d. Number and size of the steel angle lintels above the windows and door.
e. Calculate the number of block in the wall.
f. Number of bags of mortar.
g. Number of courses of block.