Bruce is going to call one person from his contacts at random. He has 252525 total contacts. 202020 of those contacts are from his neighborhood.
What is \text{P(call a person not from his neighborhood})P(call a person not from his neighborhood)start text, P, left parenthesis, c, a, l, l, space, a, space, p, e, r, s, o, n, space, n, o, t, space, f, r, o, m, space, h, i, s, space, n, e, i, g, h, b, o, r, h, o, o, d, end text, right parenthesis?
If necessary, round your answer to 222 decimal places.
Bruce is going to call one person from his contacts at random. He has 252525 total contacts. 202020 of those contacts are from his neighborhood.
What is \text{P(call a person not from his neighborhood})P(call a person, not from his neighborhood)start text, P, left parenthesis, c, a, l, l, space, a, space, p, e, r, s, o, n, space, n, o, t, space, f, r, o, m, space, h, i, s, space, n, e, i, g, h, b, o, r, h, o, o, d, end text, right parenthesis?
If necessary, round your answer to 222 decimal places.