The news is information that is needed to be told to a community of people: either on paper or on a TV or through social media
There is a Virous going around it is called the coronavirus, It's technical name is COVID- 19. Everyone is in a panic about this virous, They are going all out by buying the unneeded essentials. Most states are closing all schools because of this virous, just remember to wash your hands lots of times and keep it clean.
Update on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
There have been many major deaths all over the world, Cities, States, even Country's, being quarantined because of this awful disease. But, doctors are trying things to make people feel better, they have just tested their first antidote on a patient, we have no idea if they are healthy or, but we will see in a few days, it may take time to completely finish, but at least there is still hope! Just be sure to wash your hands, don"t touch stuff, if you do wash your hands right after!
(The reason this is important is because, this situation is very serious and very critical, this is nothing to mess around with, it is very important to watch out for every one, many lives are at stake, especially the elderly.)
Hope I could help! (Love your name by the way! Gacha is a good game)