Describe the McDonald's activities in terms of Frederick Taylor's principles of scientific management, Max Weber's hierarchical structure and Henri Fayol's administrative principles.

Respuesta :


Using Frederick Taylor's principles of scientific management McDonald's entire staff activities would be planned, coordinated, and controlled under continuous direction of a supervisor or expert.

The line of authority using the Max Weber's hierarchical structure for McDonald's activities would be marked by;

  1. Specialization of labor: placing the skilled person on the job.
  2. A formal set of rules and regulations,
  3. A well-defined hierarchy within the organization,
  4. Impersonality in the application of rules: by treating all employees equally.
  5. Employment-based on Technical Qualifications: McDonald employs only the qualified to do the job.

Henri Fayol's administrative principles should result in;

  • Division of work in McDonald,
  • Delegation of authority and responsibility,
  • Discipline of wanting employees,
  • Unity of Command,
  • Unity of Direction,
  • Subordination of individual interest to general interest,
  • Good remuneration of McDonald's staff.