The correct answer is the production of language / the perception of language
Language is a mental process of manifesting thought and essentially of a conscious, meaningful and service-oriented nature interpersonal contact.
Aphasia is a language disorder that occurs frequently in cerebrovascular diseases, mainly in stroke ischemic type (CVA). Language is the form of expression of people and it happens through speech, writing and gestures. The brain has a dictionary that is formed during life and that through complex mechanisms translates words into all forms of expression. Understanding is obviously part of this process.
Language is processed in the left cerebral hemisphere of right-handed people in certain locations with the Broca area and the Wernicke area. Depending on the location of the injury or the accident vascular, we can distinguish several different types of aphasias.
Wernicke's aphasia or sensory aphasia:
There is a complete lack of understanding or part of speech preserved, fluent, but disconnected. An injury in the area of Wernicke produces huge problems in the ability to understanding, since this is the place where sounds are transformed into words.