1. what Genotype would result in a yellow coat phenotype?

a. bbEe

b. BbEe

c. Bbee


2. what is the phenotype of A?

a. chocolate

b. black

c. yellow

3. what is the result of the process called crossing over?

a. Deletion of amino acids in offspring

b. production of gametes in offspring

c. genotype difference of offspring

d. increase in a mutation of offspring

4. The only cells that contribute to an offspring genotype are? choose all that apply.

a. liver cells

b. gametes

c. skin cells

d. somatic

e. egg and sperm

5. What type of mutation occurred in mutant 3?

a. insertion

b. Deletion

c. Substitution

6. What type of mutation occurred in mutant 2?

a. insertion

d. deletion

c. substitution

7. According to Nature.com, "A genetic mutation known as CCR5-delta 32 is responsible for the two types of HIV resistance that exist. CCR5-delta 32 hampers HIV's ability to infiltrate immune cells. The mutation causes the CCR5 co-receptor on the outside of cells to develop smaller than usual and no longer sit outside of the cell." Which statement explains how these mutations occur?

a. A mutation occurs when HIV enters the cell

b. A mutation occurs when nucleic acids are replicated

c. A mutation occurs during mitosis

8. A female, heterozygous for dark hair and freckles married a male homozygous dominant for dark hair and he has no freckles. What % of their offspring will have dark hair and freckles?

a. 56%

b. 50%

c. 19%

d. 100%

9. A farmer wants to use the young plants that came from his P1 & P2 cross. He did gel electrophoresis his plants to determine which ones were related to his P1 and P2. Which plants should he not choose? answer for no choose all that apply.







10. the central dogma states: the genes on DNA gets ____ into ___, which get ____ into a _____.

a. translated: Rna: transcribed: protein

b. Transcribed: RNA: translated: protein

c. Translated: DNA: Transcribed: RNA

d. Transcribed:DNA: translated: RNA

11. If the allele for tall pea plants (T) is dominant over the allele for short pea plants (t) what is the genotype of a homozygous tall pea plant?





12. using the info from the question above, what percent of the offspring would be short if one parent is homozygous dominant, and the other is heterozygous?





13.which molecule was coded for by the longest piece of DNA, assuming no post-transcriptional RNA processing or splicing has occurred?

A. mRNA with 85 nucleotides

B. a protein with 25 amino acids

C. a polysaccharide with 65 sugars

D.mRNA with 30 codons