Teacher needs custom plan for each student's self esteem : Exuberant one should be tried to be made empathic & self evaluative . Under confident one should be assigned responsibilities & leadership to boost confidence .
Realistic & balanced self esteem is important personality aspect. Teacher needs custom plan for each student's self esteem
Minnie's self esteem can be boosted by :- giving her a responsibility, eg - making her monitor and enhance her leadership skills, eg - give a team assignment & make her a leader and boost her confidence, eg - appreciate her for her good monitoring & leadership skills etc. All these will re inforce a stream of self esteem in her mind.
Skin's self esteem can be made realistic, considerate to - give other students opportunity by :- Making her learn empathy so that she can try to understand other student's perspective, give them fair share of opportunity to participate, eg - Making her class incharge to prepare volunteer team for a school activity (this will make her analyse other student's strength) and giving her a small assignment to write on her strengths & weaknesses (this will make her constructively evaluate her own personality).