The premise of this exam is to synthesize your knowledge and understanding of recursion. Your synthesize may be in the form of a word processing document, a presentation, a webpage, etc., but it should be quality work. There are three basic requirements:

Respuesta :

They are 1.  Pass the CBESTIndividuals only need to pass The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) once; CBEST passingscores remain valid indefinitely for all credential and employment purposes.  To pass the CBEST, onemust obtain a minimum scaled score of 41 in each of the three sections—reading, writing, andmathematics.  However, a score as low as 37 on an individual section is acceptable if the total scaledscore is at least 123.Any or all sections of the CBEST can be repeated as manytimes as necessary to obtain a passing score, but the full registration fee is charged for each test administration. Seethe CTC Exams Websitefor more information.2.  Pass the CSET: Multiple Subjects Plus Writing Skills ExaminationThe California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET): Multiple Subjects examination has beenmodified, adding an assessment of basic writing skills. Passage of the CSET: Writing Skills examination(test #142) can be added to passage of the CSET: Multiple Subjects Examination (subtests #101, 214, &103) to meet the basic skills requirement. Passing exam scores used to meet the basic skills requirementonly remain valid indefinitely. See CTC Exams Websitefor more information.3.  Pass the CSU Early Assessment Program or the CSU Placement ExaminationsPassing scores on the California State University (CSU) Early Assessment Program (EAP) (English andMathematics sections) or the CSU Placement Examinations (English Placement Test [EPT] and Entry LevelMathematics [ELM]) are sufficient to meet the basic skills requirement. See Coded Correspondence 09-03for additional information. Passing exam scores remain valid indefinitely for the purpose of meetingthe basic skills requirement. See Appendix Table 1 for passing scores.

Universidad de Mexico