Answer: (a) Yakov is a 74-year-old professor. He teaches only one or two courses a year, but he's still pursuing an active research agenda -- EMPLOYED
(b) b. Ana is a 23-year-old recent college graduate. She did not work for pay last week, but she had two job interviews -- UNEMPLOYED
(c) c. Charles is a 39-year-old graphic designer who is taking 2 years off from work to care for his small daughter -- UNEMPLOYED
(d) Juanita is a 29-year-old who lost her job as an associate producer for a radio station. After spending a few weeks out of work and interviewing for several other positions, she gave up on her job search and decided to go back to grad school -- NOT IN LABOR FORCE
(e) e. Gilberto is a famous novelist. He is spending the summer at his lake house in upstate New York, doing a little writing each day but mostly spending his time gardening and reading -- UNEMPLOYED
(f) Dina is a 11-year-old student at Southside Middle School. She babysits her younger sister and does other chores, so her parents give her an allowance of $25 per week -- NOT IN ADULT POPULATION