Caffeine interferes with the natural physiological processes that plants experience. The production of food during photosynthesis, the production of ATP, and the plant's ability to absorb minerals and water from the soil are all dangerously interfered with _____________.

Respuesta :

Answer: it inhibits plant growth, leading to death.

Thus as this continues in the plant under investigations, the ells and tissues  in  all parts of the plants ( from the leaves to stem to roots) will die since food and mineral sources have been blocked.

This disrupts normal physiological mechanisms in plants.Thus nutrition, respiration, nervous coordination etc seized. Therefore normal  growth will be inhibited,and eventually the  plant dies.

Generally  the same excitatory effects caffeine has on human physiology mechanism, is applicable to plants. It initially promotes accelerated growth of cells and tissues, and improves physiological process in the plant.But in high concentration, in extended period of time; its becomes toxic,;  inhibits growth;leading to death.
