España y su historia

Spain has had great influence in the world. In the thirteenth century, Spain was a world power that explored and acquired territories all over the globe. This power lasted until almost the end of the seventeenth century. Did you know that the United States (U.S.) was one of these territories?

Have you ever thought about why there are so many states and cities in the southwestern part of the U.S. that have Spanish names? Many assume it's the proximity to Latin America. However, did you know that these names were in place before many of the countries of Latin America became Spanish speaking?

Ponce de León arrived in Florida in 1513. Many Spaniards followed and over the course of the next 50 years, a large part of the U. S. was settled by the Spanish, especially in the southwestern regions. They established settlements like San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and San Antonio. Do any of these names sound familiar? Yes, they're the cities that are known today for their Spanish history and architecture.

La historia española en los Estados Unidos.

First, think about Spanish history in the U.S. What do you know about how much influence Spain had on the early development of what later would become the U.S.? Take some time to research the early settlements starting from the 1500s, and how they shaped history, especially in the southwest. It helps to know that the settlements in Florida were short lived, but you'll find an extensive history of the Spanish colonies in New Mexico and California.

Second, view a map of the U.S. without the boundaries of the fifty states. Remember, this Spanish history began before the original 13 British colonies were established. This map should show the exploration and development of the settlements throughout each colony. Please note, for example, the colony of New Mexico included the whole region of what we know as New Mexico and Arizona, and parts of three other states.

Third, within the colonies, make note of the settlements and explorations that you find in your research. Also, make note of specific places of importance, like the many missions established in California, and any traditions or beliefs brought from Spain.

Fourth, take notes as you research. You'll use this information for a second part of the project.

Fifth, after you've completed your map, reflect on the information you found by answering the following questions in a couple of paragraphs about Spain's influence on your own country.

Looking at the map, what were some of the primary states where Spanish colonists settled (mention at least four)?
What settlements and notable places are still in existence today?
What traditions or beliefs brought from Spain continue in the United States?
How does your research compare with what you already knew about the history of these U.S. regions and Spain's influence?