Respuesta :
I'm not quite sure of the context, but here I am referring to areas of the brain.
Cerebral cortex: This part of the brain is divided into areas that are responsible for controlling specific functions. These areas allow us to experience our senses (sight, smell, taste and hearing), and they also control our ability to think and make decisions.
Brain stem: This part of the brain controls our most essential functions, including breathing, sleeping and heart rate.
Limbic system: The brain’s reward circuit lies in this area. There are a number of different brain structures that are linked here that regulate and control our ability to experience pleasure. When we do something that causes us to feel pleasure, we are automatically motivated to repeat those behaviors, whether they happen to be harmful for us or not. Whether we are doing something that comes naturally to us (such as eating) or doing something that is not natural to our existence (such as using drugs), the limbic system becomes activated by whatever activity causes us to feel pleasure. In addition, both our positive and negative emotions are regulated in this area of the brain, which is why mood-altering drugs can have such an impact on users.