Respuesta :
The correct answer is letter B
The term extended self, which would be related to everything that is considered by the individual as his.
This seems to be the great separation between the self (me) and the extension of the self. While the first is linked to what we consider as me; the second relates to the things that we consider to be our own. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how the processes of incorporating objects into the extension of the self, and also who they would be, or what would be, these objects.
The objects that can be incorporated into the extension of the self are: possessions personal, people, places and group possessions. For the first type of objects it seems to be easy acceptance that is understood as an extension of the self, the example of the cell phone, which is usually mentioned as my cell phone. People can also be considered as part of the extended self at the moment when, for example, the mother considers her offspring as a wonderful creation put into the world. Places, likewise, can be considered as the extension of the self, such as the home, which is considered “my” home. Group possessions could be linked to achievements that took place through group work, such as the achievement of a trophy by a team, and this object being understood as the extension of the self of several people. One can clearly see, in these examples, the distinction that is made between the self and what it's mine (extended self).