The correct answer is to become aware of the process of looking
Nature is not thought. Sensitive perception brings a different element of thought. Thinking about nature is different from sensitive perception of nature. The psychophysical issue that involves thinking is an apprehension that differs from thinking itself, because perception brings with it a different element of thinking, in this sense, perception is not thought. Sensitive apprehension-perception is identical, however, what is perceived is an entity of sensitive apprehension which, for thinking, is a given beyond apprehension. Objects do not contain apprehension in themselves, it is different from the sensitive apprehension that is an ingredient of this perception. Nature as shown in perception is contained within itself in relation to apprehension, it is closed to the mind. However, extrapolation (metaphysical thinking) separates nature and mind. Thus, the subject apprehends nature as a complex of things and denies the object-object and subject-object relationship. The thing apprehended in the world as we know it is a continuous flow of occurrences and nature is nothing more than the revelation of sensitive apprehension.