Part A [10 points] Create a class named Case that represents a small bookbag/handbag type object. It should contain: Fields to represent the owner’s name and color of the Case. This class will be extended so use protected as the access modifier. A constructor with 2 parameters – that sets both the owner’s name and the color. Two accessor methods, one for each property. (getOwnerName, getColor) A main method that creates an instance of this class with the owner’s name set to ‘Joy’ and color set to ‘Green’. Add a statement to your main method that prints this object. Run your main method

Respuesta :


class Case //Case class


String owner_name,color; //members to store information name and color

Case(String name,String color) //constrictor with two parameters


this.owner_name = name; //members initialization

this.color = color;


public String getName() //to get name


return owner_name;


public String getColor() //to get color


return color;


public String toString()//override string method


return "Case Owner: " + owner_name + ", " + "Color: "+ color;



class Main //test class


public static void main(String args[])


String na,color;

Case c = new Case("Joy","Green"); //create instance of class Case and set constructor parameters

na = c.getName();

color = c.getColor();

System.out.println(c);//print statement tp print instance of a class

System.out.println(c.toString()); //print with override toString


