Match the following term:_________
(1) waterfall
(2) a system under which foreign governments take control of an area for political and/or economic purposes
(3) steep cliff or slope usually caused by faulting or erosion
(4) physical features of a place or region
(5) stream that flows into a larger stream or body of water
(6) plateau
(A) cataract
(B) topography
(C) veldt
(D) tributary
(E) colonization
(F) escarpment

Respuesta :



A = 1

B = 4

C = 6

D = 5

E = 2

F = 3


A. Cataract or Cataract Waterfall is a phenomenon that describes waterfall moving or flowing at faster rates over a cliff. It occurs when a large amount of water flows over a cliff.

B. Topography is a term that describes the physical structures or features of an area. It is often times, measured against the sea level of an area. Examples are mountains, valleys, hills etc.

C. Veldt is a terminology for describing an open or rural landscape of an area. Often spelled as veldt, it is a part of a plateau, mostly found in southern Africa.

D. Tributary is a term that describes the flowing of rivers into an ocean or lake.

It is often characterized by flowing or moving stream or river to larger bodies of water.

E. Colonization is a term that describes a situation in a which foreign country takes over or maintain or extends her authority over another country. It is policy in which the foreign country controls the system of government of the local country for purpose of political and economic gain.

F. Escarpments is used in geography to explain the phenomenon in which erosion pr faulting results or cause steep cliff or slope in the plateau. It is characterized by separating areas of land at varying heights.