Respuesta :
You Could Go to Jail
Your Insurance Premiums Could Increase
You May Lose Your Job and Professional License
You Could Incur Large Fines and Fees
Drinking While Driving Increases Your Risk of Being in an Accident
You Do Not Want a Criminal Record
You May Cause Serious Property Damage
You Could Injure a Child (or youself)
You Set a Bad Example for Others, Including Your Family
People should not drink and drive because it causes the driver to get drunk while driving. It can also cause going to sleep and getting into an accident. You can get drunk by either going to a party and drinking a lot or just drinking a lot in general. When someone is drunk and wants to drive they will fall asleep while driving and crash or when they are speeding and they don't pull over when the police tell he/she to. Drinking is a bad thing so don't try it.