The author suggests that sleep is directly related to simple task wherein the disruption of the former would result in disruption of work.
- The author suggest that sleep is essential for ensuring good performance and disruption in that creates corresponding impact on our work and behavior, however, its not crystal clear that it would impact the complete task.
- Human fatigue more often does not causes our body to get exhausted and subsequently causes sleep . Sleep in such situations is often considered to be long enough and sound one, however, in the same way anxiety and anxiousness causes worries which often disrupts in our sleep and subsequently in our work performance.
- However, when it comes to simple tasks the disruption is not very acute since the person is literally used to those task. Simple tasks can be considered to be daily routine tasks, which is often habitual in nature and always at the back of our mind such as eating food, going for walk, talking , taking shower , reading etc, but when the SD or sleep deprivation is chronic then it might disrupt the proper discharge of those simple tasks as well. More often than not it creates a sense of forgetfulness and a confused mind.