Which of the following statements will ivoke the function get_course and store the reutrn values correctly? A. get_course(course_code, section_num) B. course_code, section_num = get_course() C. section_num, course_code = get_course() D. Both (B) and (C)
Option D is the correct answer for the above question
Missing code: The function code is missing in the question, which defined the two return value.
Detailed Expalanation:
The above question code is in python language, which returns the two values. So there are needs of two variable which is needed to hold the returned value from a function.
Options b and c both states the two variable for the calling function which needs to hold the returned value and the option D states both option, hence it is a correct option while the other is not because:-
Option a states no variable which can hold the returned value.