rocess inputs using the following 1) Write a function that inputs numerical digits in the range of an unsigned short. 2) Write a function that reverses the number to a range of a signed short. 3) Only subtract the largest 3 digit number from the reverse if the result is not negative.

Respuesta :


 /* sizeof.c—Program to tell the size of the C variable */

 /*      type in bytes */


 #include <stdio.h>


   int main(void)


  printf( "\nA char   is %d bytes", sizeof( char ));

  printf( "\nAn int   is %d bytes", sizeof( int ));

  printf( "\nA short   is %d bytes", sizeof( short ));

  printf( "\nA long   is %d bytes", sizeof( long ));

  printf( "\nA long long is %d bytes\n", sizeof( long long));

  printf( "\nAn unsigned char is %d bytes", sizeof( unsigned char ));

  printf( "\nAn unsigned int  is %d bytes", sizeof( unsigned int ));

  printf( "\nAn unsigned short is %d bytes", sizeof( unsigned short ));

  printf( "\nAn unsigned long is %d bytes", sizeof( unsigned long ));

  printf( "\nAn unsigned long long is %d bytes\n",

   sizeof( unsigned long long));

 printf( "\nA float   is %d bytes", sizeof( float ));

 printf( "\nA double  is %d bytes\n", sizeof( double ));

 printf( "\nA long double is %d bytes\n", sizeof( long double ));

return 0;


2. #include<stdio.h>

int main(){

  int num,reverse_number;

  //User would input the number

  printf("\nEnter any number:");


  //Calling user defined function to perform reverse


  printf("\nAfter reverse the no is :%d",reverse_number);

  return 0;


int sum=0,rem;

reverse_function(int num){







     return sum;

  return sum;



#include <bits/stdc++.h>  


using namespace std;  

/* Iterative function to reverse digits of num*/

int reversDigits(int num)  


   int rev_num = 0;  

   while(num > 0)  


       rev_num = rev_num*10 + num%10;  

       num = num/10;  


   return rev_num;  



/*Driver program to test reversDigits*/

int main()  


   int num = 4562;  

   cout << "Reverse of no. is "

        << reversDigits(num);  


   return 0;