Respuesta :
The solution code is written in Python:
- sec = int(input("Enter number of seconds: "))
- if(sec >=60):
- min = sec // 60
- sec = sec % 60
- else:
- min = 0
- print(str(min) + " minutes " + str(sec) + " seconds")
Firstly, use input function to prompt user to enter number of seconds and assign the input value to variable sec (Line 1).
Next, create an if statement to check if the sec is bigger or equal to 60 (Line 3). If so, we user // operator to get minutes and use % operator to get the seconds (Line 4 - 5).
Then we use print function to print the minutes and seconds (Line 9).
Here is the program in C++. Let me know if you want this program in some other programming language.
#include <iostream> //for input output functions
using namespace std;//to detect objects like cin cout
int main()//start of main() function body
{ int seconds; // stores the value of seconds
int time; // stores value to compute minutes hours and days
cout << "Enter a number of seconds: ";
//prompts user to enter number of seconds
cin >> seconds; // reads the value of seconds input by user
if (seconds <= 59) //if the value of seconds is less than or equal to 59
{ cout << seconds<<" seconds\n"; } //displays seconds
else if (seconds >= 60 && seconds < 3600)
//if value of seconds is greater than or equal to 60 and less than 3600
{ time = seconds / 60; //computes minutes
cout << time << " minutes in "<<seconds<<" seconds \n "; }
//displays time in minutes
else if (seconds >= 3600 && seconds < 86400) {
//if input value of secs is greater than or equal to 3600 and less than 85400
time = seconds / 3600; //calculate hours in input seconds
cout << time << " hours in "<<seconds<<" seconds \n"; }
//displays the time in hours
else if (seconds >= 86400) { //if seconds is greater or equal to 86400
time = seconds / 86400; //compute the days
cout << time << " days in "<<seconds<<" seconds \n"; } }
//displays the number of days in input number of seconds
This program first prompts the user to enter the time in seconds and computes the number of minutes, hour or days according to the conditions specified in the program. If the value of seconds entered by the user is less than or equal to 59, the number of seconds are displayed as output, otherwise the if and else if conditions are checked if the input value of seconds is greater than 60 to compute the corresponding minutes, hours or days. Everything is explained within the comments in the program.You can change the data type of time variable from int to float to get the value floating point numbers. Here i am using int to round the time values. The screenshot of the output is attached.