The following program includes fictional sets of the top 10 male and female baby names for the current year. Write a program that creates: A set all_names that contains all of the top 10 male and all of the top 10 female names. A set neutral_names that contains only names found in both male_names and female_names. A set specific_names that contains only gender specific names. Sample output for all_names: {'Michael', 'Henry', 'Jayden', 'Bailey', 'Lucas', 'Chuck', 'Aiden', 'Khloe', 'Elizabeth', 'Maria', 'Veronica', 'Meghan', 'John', 'Samuel', 'Britney', 'Charlie', 'Kim'} NOTE: Because sets are unordered, they are printed using the sorted() function here for comparison

Respuesta :



Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.

male_names = {'kay', 'Dev', 'Sam', 'Karan', 'Broly', 'Samuel', 'Jayd', 'Lucifer', 'Amenadiel', 'Anmol'}

female_names = {'Kally', 'Megha', 'Lucy', 'Shally', 'Bailey', 'Jayd', 'Anmol', 'Beth', 'Veronica', 'Sam'}

#initialize the union from male_names and female_names

all_names = male_names.union(female_names)

#Initialize the similar names from male_names and female_names  

neutral_names = male_names.intersection(female_names)

#initialize the symmetric_difference from male_names and female_names

specific_names = male_names.symmetric_difference(female_names)

#print the results





['Amenadiel', 'Anmol', 'Bailey', 'Beth', 'Broly', 'Dev', 'Jayd', 'Kally', 'Karan', 'Lucifer', 'Lucy', 'Megha', 'Sam', 'Samuel', 'Shally', 'Veronica', 'kay']

['Anmol', 'Jayd', 'Sam']

['Amenadiel', 'Bailey', 'Beth', 'Broly', 'Dev', 'Kally', 'Karan', 'Lucifer', 'Lucy', 'Megha', 'Samuel', 'Shally', 'Veronica','kay']


The following are the description of the program.

  • In the above program, firstly we set two list data type variables 'male_names' and 'female_names' and initialize the male and female names in those variables.
  • Then, we set three variables in which we store union, intersection, and symmetric differences and finally print these three variables in a sorted manner.