Jefferson has taken three of his clients for a round of golf at his golf club. Here they play golf, relax, and discuss topics from politics to the latest product ideas. Jefferson is sure to answer his clients’ questions and highlight his company’s various products that could be used in their various companies. After the round of golf, the group walks out to the parking lot, and Jefferson is able to customize prices for each of the clients separately. What potential ethical dilemmas did Jefferson put himself in?

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Jefferson faces the following potential ethical dilemmas:

  1. By taking his clients to his property he could have been perceived as trying to influence them by buying their approval with gifts and luxuries. On the other hand, by taking them to the club he can be perceived as generous and friendly, as he is inviting them to have a good time.
  2. By discussing politics with the clients, he risks them associating Jefferson’s company with a specific ideology. This could harm the reputation of the company and its products, as well as alienating potential clients who do not share that view. However, by talking about politics he can be relatable to clients' view of the world.
  3. Since this was an informal discussion, he risked providing the clients with inaccurate information about the products, as probably he did not have accurate data at hand to back up his claims. Nevertheless, informal conversations are a good way of building rapport with clients, while providing information that suits their needs in a friendly manner.
  4. By meeting the clients separately in the parking lot and customizing the prices, he risks being overheard by others, who can perceive customization as a corrupt practice. He risks the clients find out that others were offered better prices. On the other hand, the clients might feel that he had a special consideration with each of them.


An ethical dilemma happens when there are two distinct ways to make a decision, neither is more acceptable than the other, but by choosing one the other is transgressed. This mental experiment poses questions about how to act morally, by making the best possible decision.