The chart below gives prices and output information for the country of Utopia. Use this information to calculate real and nominal GDP for both years. Use 2017 as the base year.
Year 2016 2017
Price Quantity Price Quantity
Ice Cream $7.00 600 $3.00 400
Blue Jeans $70.00 20 $20.00 90
Laptops $300.00 5 $300.00 5
2016 nominal GDP = $_(7 x 600) + (70 x 20) + (300 x 5)_ = $7,100
2017 nominal GDP = $_(3 x 400)+(20 x 90) + (300 x 5)_ = $4,500
2016 real GDP = $__(7100-4500)/ 4500)) / change in ice cream price of 50%+ change in blue jean price of (70-20/20) 250%_______
= 0.57/3 = 0.19% growth. Technically the economy was better in 2016 than in 2017.
2017 real GDP = will be same as nominal, hence no growth since this is the base year