The boxer crab, Lybia tesselata, carries a small pair of anemones in its claws. When approached by a predator, it waves the anemones around, presenting the stinging tentacles and chasing away the predator. The anemones benefit by eating food particles from prey that the crab catches. What type of relationship is this?

Respuesta :



  • Mutualism is most normally characterized such that mirrors the positive signs describing the result of their cooperations, that is, as connections between people of various species that advantage them two.
  • However, mutualism can be all the more unequivocally characterized as a cooperation between people of various species that outcomes in constructive (useful) consequences for per capita proliferation or potentially endurance of the interfacing populaces.
  • As in other interspecific cooperations, the level of reliance of every mutualist upon different reaches from commit to facultative; henceforth, they can be commit, commit facultative, or facultative–facultative communications.




