Python Variables Worksheet

Output: Your Goal
You will write a program to store a message in two variables, then print that message.

Part 1: Plan and Write the Pseudocode
Write an algorithm using pseudocode that someone else can follow. Choose one of the following options:
Decide on the message you would like to display to the screen. Some ideas include:
Your favorite book title or TV show and why you like it
A few sentences sharing information about you
Your favorite sport and team or athlete
Use two variables to store your message.

Insert your pseudocode here:

Part 2: Code the Program
Use the following guidelines to code your program.
Use the Python IDLE to write your program.
Using comments, type a heading that includes your name, today’s date, and a short description.
Set up your def main(): statement. (Don’t forget the parentheses and colon.)
Use at least two variables and two print statement to display your message to the screen.
Conclude the program with the main() statement.
Follow the Python style conventions regarding indentation in your program.
Run your program to ensure it is working properly. Fix any errors you may observe.
Example of expected output: The output below is an example of a “Favorite TV Show” message. Your specific results will vary depending on the choices you make about your message.
My favorite TV show is MythBusters.
I like it because I learn a lot and they do crazy experiments.

When you've completed writing your program code, save your work by selecting 'Save' in the Python IDLE.
When you submit your assignment, you will attach this Python file separately.

Part 3: Post Mortem Review (PMR)
Write two to three sentence responses to all the questions in the PMR chart.
Review Question
What was the purpose of your program?

How could your program be useful in the real world?

What is a problem you ran into, and how did you fix it?

Describe one thing you would do differently the next time you write a program.

Part 4: Save Your Work

Don't forget to save this worksheet. You will submit it for your assessment.

Respuesta :


1. Pseudo Code:








1. FILE (Python)

Please add below code in the file:

# name:

# Date: 13-10-2020

# Description: This program is about entering two strings and printing them together

def main():

a = input("string 1:")

b = input("String 2:")

print(a + b)


3. Project Mortem Review:

1. Which IDE have you used?

Ans: Pycharm

2. Where is a file stored in Windows by default?

Ans: c://users/username/PycharmProjects/All files

3. Did you encounter any error?

No, the project ran successfully

4. What was the purpose of the project?

To learn how to concatenate two strings

5. Will you innovate more on this, and what?

Yes, I will split it and make a dictionary with the meaning of each word, and I will use an Oxford university dictionary library to pick the meaning from.


Please check the answer section.