Consideration in a bilateral contract always involves both:______.A. A legal benefit and a legal detriment.B. A legal waiver and a legal renunciation.C. A legal detriment and a legal impediment.D. A legal benefit and a legal waiver.

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The correcta answer is A legal benefit and a legal detriment.


The contract can be understood as the legal institutionalization of the economic phenomena of the production, circulation, distribution and commercialization of goods and services. In this sense, the legal structure of the contract demarcates, regulates and directs the instrument par excellence for the reproduction of economic relations, in a socio-economic system based on the exchange. In that context, the bilateral contract, legally defined as the one in which the contracting parties mutually oblige, is presented as the main channel of patrimonial attributions.

The contract, mainly the bilatera, thus fulfills indispensable socio-economic functions: in a sense that we could qualify as particular, the bilateral contract allows the subjects to provide goods and services; In another sense, more generally, the bilateral contract constitutes the legal mechanism that channels economic relations, which, as a whole, structure, sustain and reproduce the socioeconomic system.

The bilateral contract, to justify the attributions that are made through it, must respond to a basic criterion of commutability, of exchange, of balance between the benefits that intersect to support the contractual structure itself. Even beyond the fact that the contract meets obligations for both parties, that criterion constitutes the central element of a correct definition of the bilateral contract. The bilaterality of the obligation is not enough for the reciprocity of the contract. Rather, it is precisely for this reason that each party is bound so that the other is also obligated. There must therefore be a commutative contract, whereby each participant considers the benefit of the other as equivalent to the benefit itself. What happens, for example, in the purchase: the buyer is obliged to pay the price, so the seller promises the delivery of the thing.