What term is used to describe a state in which authoritarian elements have captured some or much of the machinery of state and use this in an attempt to deny basic political and civil liberties?

Respuesta :

A state of this type is referred to as a dictatorship.


There are multiple political systems around the world, some being better than the others. One of the political systems that doesn't fall into the category of good political systems is the dictatorship.

The dictatorship is a political system where the government or a single person has absolute power, and usually posses the majority or all resources and industry in the country. No one is allowed to oppose the leader or the government, and if someone dares to do so than it usually ends up with imprisoning, ''mysterious disappearance'', or even public murder.

Unfortunately, there are still countries that have dictatorships, such as:

  • Uzbekistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • North Korea
  • Brunei Darrussalem
  • Belarus