Where you choose your origin doesn't change the answer to the question, but choosing an origin can make a problem easier to solve (even if only a bit). Usually it is nice if the majority of the quantities you are given and the quantity you are trying to solve for take positive values relative to your chosen origin. Given this goal, what location for the origin of the coordinate system would make this problem easiest?

Respuesta :



At ground level below the point where the rock is launched.


It's best to place the origin of the coordinate system at ground level below the launching point because in this way all the points of interest (the launching point

and the landing point) will have positive coordinates. (Based on your experience, you know that it's generally easier to work with positive coordinates.) Keep in

mind, however, that this is an arbitrary choice. The correct solution of the problem will not depend on the location of the origin of your coordinate system.

Now, define symbols representing initial and final position, velocity, and time. Your target variable is , the initial y coordinate of the rock. Your pictorial

representation should be complete now.

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