Miguel is skipping rocks across the surface of a lake. After he throws it, each stone goes through the following motions: the stone moves toward the water the stone hits the surface of the water and bounces off gravity pulls the stone back toward the water the stone enters the water and slows down In which part of the stone's movement is the stone most like a beam of light that is being refracted?

Respuesta :


the stone enters the water and slows down



- When light is refracted it speed is slowed down or increases depending on the medium it enters. This depends on the ratio of air-water refractive index ratio.

- The speed of an object in air is faster than speed of an object in water. Because the refractive index of air is less than that of water. In refraction, the light changes direction slightly because it slows down or speeds up, depending on what medium it is changing into.

- From this we could say as the rock enters the water and slows down it models as if the light has been refracted.