The government of India has made killing Bengal tigers illegal, but poaching continues. In the list below, indicate which statements are possible reasons as to why the ban hasn't been more successful: Instructions: You may select more than one answer. a.The punishment for breaking the law is not very severe b.That marginal cost of poaching equals or exceeds the marginal benefit. c.Enforcement of the poaching law is weak. d.The potential profit from illegal poaching outweighs the risk of being caught. e.Private incentives exist to let people earn money from the tigers through eco-tourism. f.The social norms in India are strictly against killing any type of animal.

Respuesta :

Answer: A, C and D.


With the options given above, options A, C and D are reasons why the ban on killing Bengal tigers hasn't been successful. When the punishment for killing Bengal tigers is not severe, people won't mind killing the tigers since they know they won't be severely punished for their action. Also, when the enforcement of the poaching law is weak and the potential profit from the illegal poaching is higher than the risk of getting caught, people will continue to kill the tigers.

For the law to be effective, there must be strict punishment for people who go against the law made.