Justin, age 12, cannot get his science project to work. In fact, it seems to him that nothing he makes ever works properly. Like usual, Justin decides to give up and just take the bad grade. According to Erik Erikson, Justin is at risk for developing a sense of:

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According to Erik Erikson, Justin is at risk for developing a sense of inferiority.


  • Inferiority is the psychological condition in a person where he or she finds owns ability lower than others. They misjudge their confidence and loses the task thinking that they won't be able to do it properly.
  • According to Erik Erikson, inferiority occurs in the child between the age of 5 to 12. Because it is the age where children learn to do tasks independently and take minor decisions.
  • The same thing has hit Justin at 12 because he thinks that he is not qualified for the job of the science project and decides to leave the project.