Read the following selection, and identify any errors.

Checking punctuation before sending your massage is important. When you proofread for punctuation errors make sure that introductory clauses are followed by commas, that compound sentences put commas before coordinating conjungations, and that semicolons and colons are used corectly.

a. This selection is correct without any revisions.
b. This selection contains three misspelled words and one comma error.
c. This selection contains two spelling errors, one run-on sentence, and one comma error

Respuesta :

This selection contains three misspelled words and one comma error.


The bold words throughout the paragraph were corrected. In regards, a comma after the introductory clause was missing from the second sentence.

The comma has also been added between bugs and make.

When reading for the punctuation errors please make sure to follow the introductory clauses with commas, place commas before coordination of conjunctions and make sure semicolons and colons are correctly used.

In addition, the compound sentences must be accompanied by commas before they are transmitted.