Respuesta :


I believe that understanding our ancestor would not provide the answer to the meaning of life for humanity.


How are we created ? Is there another entity that created us ? If so, what is the purpose of our creation ?

Almost all people will ask those questions  (or something along the line)  at some point in our life, and most people will arrive to different conclusions.

Some will probably follow a religion or a cult. Each of them will have their own theories on what created humans and whether there is an entity that they should worship.

Each of them will claim that they are the one that represent the truth. But let's be honest here, there is no way to proof their claim. All they do is believing without any evidence.

Some will try to find their answer by studying our ancestors, to know about our origin. Even if it goes as far as tracking our genetic line to another species. By studying this, we will know what type of activities that they do in the past., the type of food that they eat, etc.

But Still we're more advance than them. Almost different creatures entirely.   Those information wouldn't necessarily provide us answers with the meaning and purpose of our life.