The answer is c. Cleaning routinists: consumers that perform cleaning tasks an average of 18 times a week for a total of 5 hours (21% of the market).
Note the wording of the question. The cleaning products developed by the company make cleaning a breeze. This means that they make cleaning a lot easier and convenient, with less effort required.
Although this would benefit all consumer groups, it is particularly beneficial for those who do the cleaning on a routine basis. Hence, it is most important to convince these heavy-duty cleaners that the product meets their needs. Other groups that are less intense are likely to see the benefits.
Also note that the cleaning routinists spend an average of 5 hours a week cleaning. This is more than the amount of time spent on cleaning by any other group. This implies that they may use up the products quickly and replace them with new ones more frequently, thus enhancing the sales made by the business.