No, the generation will have aged by 14 years and their perception of items as necessities or will or might well have changed by then.
Suppose I am looking at the 2006 results of how the Echo generation classified specified items as either luxuries or necessities. I don't expect the results to reflect how the Each generation would classify items in 2020 because the generation will have aged by 14 years and their perception of items as necessities will or might well have changed by then.
A teenager in 2006 will see a mobile phone as a luxury but in later years that would be a necessity.
Secondly, the main determining factor of the classification of a good as a necessity is the level of income. A college student who might be eating lots of junk foods as necessity will no longer do so in 14 years because of income level and health considerations. Hence certain health foods that were considered luxury as a student will become a necessity in adulthood or middle age.