When the Federalists were in power, there were laws enacted that made it illegal to criticize the government, the Rebulicans, and Madison know this was wrong and went against the freedom of speech that he wrote into the Bill of Rights. Eventually, small local groups called Democratic-Republican Societies began to protest against the Federalists. At this point, the Republicans managed to win the national election in 1800 and Jefferson was made a president. The Republican's goal was met which meant the Federalists were defeated. The Constitution was successfully able to weed out the unconstitutional laws and views of Federalists and make way for the views of the Republicans which were eventually put in charge.
Between then and now I think its a similar thing, especially in campaigning. Many politicians will dig up dirt and secrets on their competitors in order to gain the upper hand and there have been examples of some politicians being defeated by this, making way for the first politician.
Today, though, we do have a better understanding of our Constitutional rights as a whole which I think makes things like this less common.