The correct answer is: labor services, natural resources, and physical capital.
The factors of production are the resources that a company or a person uses to create and produce goods and services. Each of these factors has compensation or return. Traditionally, these factors are classified into three broad categories: land, labor and capital.
a) In economics, the term land is used in a broad sense, indicating not only the arable and urban land, but also the natural resources it contains, such as minerals.
b) The work factor refers to the physical and intellectual faculties of human beings involved in the production process. Work is the basic productive factor. Workers use the raw materials obtained in nature. With the help of the appropriate machinery, they transform them into basic materials, suitable for other processes, or consumer goods.
c) Capital includes buildings, factories, machinery and equipment, stocks of processed media and other means used in the production process. Precisely, the capitalist economies are called that because this capital is usually the private property of the capitalists.
These 3 classic factors are in the current economic science in the process of evolution towards a more complex structuring. Classical economists considered that to produce goods and services it was necessary to use resources or productive factors: land, labor and capital. This classification of factors is still widely used today.