Global warming
Explaining the five words one after the other
A) The troposphere is the lowermost part of the atmosphere and its extends from some few centimeters below the ground level to about 10 kilometers upwards. It is bounded on the top by another layer of the atmosphere called the stratosphere. The troposphere is also the region where a majority of the weather takes place
B) Nitrogen;- The nitrogen gas constitutes of about 78% of the total gas volume present in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Nitrogen through the Nitrogen cycle is essential for the growth of plants.
C) Albedo;- Albedo talks about how much light (sun rays) is reflected off a surface. High albedo signifies high reflectivity while low albedo signifies high absorption or low reflectivity.
D) Water vapor;- It is water in a gaseous form and it is the most important greenhouse gas because it absorbs heat coming off the earth's surface. It's also one of the factors responsible for warmth at the earth surface. The atmosphere constitutes about 0 - 4% of water vapor because of its variability.
E) Oxygen is the very air that is essential for the survival of animals and humans on earth. It is about 20% in the atmosphere and combines with other elements to form oxides. Although animals and humans use it up through respiration, it is replaced back by plants through photosynthesis.
The one option that does not fit the pattern is the troposphere. Although it is the place where majority of the global warming actions take place, the troposphere in itself does not affect global warming.