Practice compile-time debugging by fixing all of the syntax errors in the following listing. Do yourself a favor and work through all the bugs using the Arduino IDE compile output information.Turn in the source code listing of your debugged program. Clearly state all of the syntax errors that you found.

void MyDelay (unsigned long mSecondsApx ); void setup ()
unsigned char * portDDRB ;

portDDRB = (unsigned char *) 0x24; *portDDRB |= Ox2O;
void loop ()

unsigned char * portB ;
portB = (unsigned char *) 0x25;
*portB |= Ox2O;
MyDelay {1000}
*portB &= OxDF:
MyDelay [1000] ,
void MyDelay (unsigned long mSecondsApx )
volatile unsigned long i;
unsigned long endTime = 1000 * mSecondsApx ; for (i = 0; i < endTime ; i++);

Respuesta :




void MyDelay(unsigned long mSecondsApx);

void setup() {

   unsigned char* portDDRB;

   portDDRB = (unsigned char*)0x24;

   *portDDRB |= 0x20; //Ox2O


void loop() {

   unsigned char* portB;

   portB = (unsigned char *)0x25;

   *portB |= 0x20; //Ox2O

   MyDelay(1000); //{1000}

   *portB &= 0xDF; //OxDF:

   MyDelay(1000); //[1000],


void MyDelay(unsigned long mSecondsApx) {

   volatile unsigned long i;

   unsigned long endTime = 1000 * mSecondsApx;

   for (i = 0; i < endTime; i++);



In total, 5 syntactical errors were found.