Kaori is taking a free-throw. H(d), (, d, )models the basketball's height (in meters) at a horizontal distance of d meters from Kaori. What does the statement H (R)= 4 mean?

Respuesta :


Height = 4 meters

Horizontal Distance = R

Step-by-step explanation:

If H(d) models the basketball's height (in meters) at a horizontal distance of d meters from Kaori;

H(R)= 4 implies that d=R and can be explained that the height of the basketball at an horizontal distance of R from Kaori is 4 meters.


the basketball's height is 4 meters at a horizontal distance of R from Kaori

Step-by-step explanation:

The function description tells you that the statement H(R)=4 means the basketball's height is 4 meters at a horizontal distance of R from Kaori.