Instruction: Compare the following well-formed translations with grammatically incorrect sentences (indicated with an asterisk at the beginning) and note any patterns you recognize:
English - Some people want to be famous.
Right - Algunas personas quieren ser famosas.
Wrong - *Algunos personas quieren ser famosas.
English - No man wants to go to that movie.
Right - Ningún hombre quiere ir a esa película
Wrong - *Ningunos hombre quiere ir a esa película
English -I don't know anything.
Right - No sé nada. *No sé algo. I never read books. Yo nunca leo libros.
Wrong - *Yo leo libros nunca.
English - Some girls dance.
Right - Algunas niñas bailan.
Wrong - *Alguno niñas bailan.
What is your hunch about these sentences, comparing the right and wrong?